Book Writing Goal Achieved

Are you thinking about writing a book?
The influential journalist Christopher Hitchens is often credited with the quote “Everyone has a book in them, but in most cases, that’s where it should stay”. I chose to ignore his advice and have just completed the process of the creation of my first book.
Having talked about writing a book for a few years, in July 2020 I started with a goal:
‘To write a book that I wish I could have read to guide me when I was less business mature and have it published on Amazon by the end of June 2021’.
That is right. I gave myself a whole year to complete this.
But there are risks attached to long term goal timescales. What should be a few hours each week becomes a habit to defer for a day when you are less busy. Once you feel the pressure you will then hurry to finish it in the last few weeks. Or for many people, they sadly just choose to fail to achieve their goal.
I avoided that trap by breaking my writing into smaller bitesize manageable goals. Chapter size small wins that I could celebrate to keep me motivated and my eyes on the real prize. As a conservative estimate, this equates to thousands of hours thinking about the book and at least 350 hours at my desk, typing and editing my manuscript.
From July to October, I worked on planning the structure of the book, the process I wanted my readers to follow and the chapter headings. From November to April, I created the first draft and then in May and June, it was all about the editing.
The book is now available in print via Amazon for £11.95. If you manage to pull just a couple of great business tips and execute on them it will be worth your investment and mine! Click now and order your copy.
If you need some guidance on setting your business goals or if you are thinking about planning your first book authoring project, I will be pleased to share what I have learned. If you need a critical friend do not hesitate to book some time with me via this LINK